Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/sellfree/public_html/megamani.com/revolution/js/extensions/source/revolution.extension.kenburn.js
/******************************************** * REVOLUTION EXTENSION - KEN BURN * @version: 1.3.1 (15.05.2017) * @requires jquery.themepunch.revolution.js * @author ThemePunch *********************************************/ (function($) { "use strict"; var _R = jQuery.fn.revolution, extension = { alias:"KenBurns Min JS", name:"revolution.extensions.kenburn.min.js", min_core: "5.4", version:"1.3.1" }; /////////////////////////////////////////// // EXTENDED FUNCTIONS AVAILABLE GLOBAL // /////////////////////////////////////////// jQuery.extend(true,_R, { stopKenBurn : function(l) { if (_R.compare_version(extension).check==="stop") return false; if (l.data('kbtl')!=undefined) l.data('kbtl').pause(); }, startKenBurn : function(l,opt,prgs) { if (_R.compare_version(extension).check==="stop") return false; var d = l.data(), i = l.find('.defaultimg'), s = i.data('lazyload') || i.data('src'), i_a = d.owidth / d.oheight, cw = opt.sliderType==="carousel" ? opt.carousel.slide_width : opt.ul.width(), ch = opt.ul.height(), c_a = cw / ch; if (l.data('kbtl')) l.data('kbtl').kill(); prgs = prgs || 0; // NO KEN BURN IMAGE EXIST YET if (l.find('.tp-kbimg').length==0) { var mediafilter = i.data('mediafilter'); mediafilter = mediafilter === undefined ? "" : mediafilter; l.append('<div class="tp-kbimg-wrap '+mediafilter+'" style="z-index:2;width:100%;height:100%;top:0px;left:0px;position:absolute;"><img class="tp-kbimg" src="'+s+'" style="position:absolute;" width="'+d.owidth+'" height="'+d.oheight+'"></div>'); l.data('kenburn',l.find('.tp-kbimg')); } var getKBSides = function(w,h,f,cw,ch,ho,vo) { var tw = w * f, th = h * f, hd = Math.abs(cw-tw), vd = Math.abs(ch-th), s = new Object(); s.l = (0-ho)*hd; s.r = s.l + tw; s.t = (0-vo)*vd; s.b = s.t + th; s.h = ho; s.v = vo; return s; }, getKBCorners = function(d,cw,ch,ofs,o) { var p = d.bgposition.split(" ") || "center center", ho = p[0] == "center" ? "50%" : p[0] == "left" || p [1] == "left" ? "0%" : p[0]=="right" || p[1] =="right" ? "100%" : p[0], vo = p[1] == "center" ? "50%" : p[0] == "top" || p [1] == "top" ? "0%" : p[0]=="bottom" || p[1] =="bottom" ? "100%" : p[1]; ho = parseInt(ho,0)/100 || 0; vo = parseInt(vo,0)/100 || 0; var sides = new Object(); sides.start = getKBSides(o.start.width,o.start.height,o.start.scale,cw,ch,ho,vo); sides.end = getKBSides(o.start.width,o.start.height,o.end.scale,cw,ch,ho,vo); return sides; }, kcalcL = function(cw,ch,d) { var f=d.scalestart/100, fe=d.scaleend/100, ofs = d.offsetstart != undefined ? d.offsetstart.split(" ") || [0,0] : [0,0], ofe = d.offsetend != undefined ? d.offsetend.split(" ") || [0,0] : [0,0]; d.bgposition = d.bgposition == "center center" ? "50% 50%" : d.bgposition; var o = new Object(), sw = cw*f, sh = sw/d.owidth * d.oheight, ew = cw*fe, eh = ew/d.owidth * d.oheight; o.start = new Object(); o.starto = new Object(); o.end = new Object(); o.endo = new Object(); o.start.width = cw; o.start.height = o.start.width / d.owidth * d.oheight; if (o.start.height<ch) { var newf = ch / o.start.height; o.start.height = ch; o.start.width = o.start.width*newf; } o.start.transformOrigin = d.bgposition; o.start.scale = f; o.end.scale = fe; d.rotatestart = d.rotatestart===0 ? 0.01 : d.rotatestart; o.start.rotation = d.rotatestart+"deg"; o.end.rotation = d.rotateend+"deg"; // MAKE SURE THAT OFFSETS ARE NOT TOO HIGH var c = getKBCorners(d,cw,ch,ofs,o); ofs[0] = parseFloat(ofs[0]) + c.start.l; ofe[0] = parseFloat(ofe[0]) + c.end.l; ofs[1] = parseFloat(ofs[1]) + c.start.t; ofe[1] = parseFloat(ofe[1]) + c.end.t; var iws = c.start.r - c.start.l, ihs = c.start.b - c.start.t, iwe = c.end.r - c.end.l, ihe = c.end.b - c.end.t; ofs[0] = ofs[0]>0 ? 0 : iws + ofs[0] < cw ? cw-iws : ofs[0]; ofe[0] = ofe[0]>0 ? 0 : iwe + ofe[0] < cw ? cw-iwe : ofe[0]; ofs[1] = ofs[1]>0 ? 0 : ihs + ofs[1] < ch ? ch-ihs : ofs[1]; ofe[1] = ofe[1]>0 ? 0 : ihe + ofe[1] < ch ? ch-ihe : ofe[1]; o.starto.x = ofs[0]+"px"; o.starto.y = ofs[1]+"px"; o.endo.x = ofe[0]+"px"; o.endo.y = ofe[1]+"px"; o.end.ease = o.endo.ease = d.ease; o.end.force3D = o.endo.force3D = true; return o; }; if (l.data('kbtl')!=undefined) { l.data('kbtl').kill(); l.removeData('kbtl'); } var k = l.data('kenburn'), kw = k.parent(), anim = kcalcL(cw,ch,d), kbtl = new punchgs.TimelineLite(); kbtl.pause(); anim.start.transformOrigin = "0% 0%"; anim.starto.transformOrigin = "0% 0%"; kbtl.add(punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(k,d.duration/1000,anim.start,anim.end),0); kbtl.add(punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(kw,d.duration/1000,anim.starto,anim.endo),0); // ADD BLUR EFFECT ON THE ELEMENTS if (d.blurstart!==undefined && d.blurend!==undefined && (d.blurstart!==0 || d.blurend!==0)) { var blurElement = {a:d.blurstart}, blurElementEnd = {a:d.blurend, ease:anim.endo.ease}, blurAnimation = new punchgs.TweenLite(blurElement, d.duration/1000, blurElementEnd); blurAnimation.eventCallback("onUpdate", function(kw) { punchgs.TweenLite.set(kw,{filter:'blur('+blurElement.a+'px)',webkitFilter:'blur('+blurElement.a+'px)'}); },[kw]); kbtl.add(blurAnimation,0); } kbtl.progress(prgs); kbtl.play(); l.data('kbtl',kbtl); } }); })(jQuery);
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