Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/sellfree/public_html/megamani.com/revolution/js/extensions/source/revolution.extension.carousel.js
/******************************************** * REVOLUTION EXTENSION - CAROUSEL * @version: 1.2.1 (18.11.2016) * @requires jquery.themepunch.revolution.js * @author ThemePunch *********************************************/ (function($) { "use strict"; var _R = jQuery.fn.revolution, extension = { alias:"Carousel Min JS", name:"revolution.extensions.carousel.min.js", min_core: "5.3.0", version:"1.2.1" }; /////////////////////////////////////////// // EXTENDED FUNCTIONS AVAILABLE GLOBAL // /////////////////////////////////////////// jQuery.extend(true,_R, { // CALCULATE CAROUSEL POSITIONS prepareCarousel : function(opt,a,direction,speed) { if (_R.compare_version(extension).check==="stop") return false; direction = opt.carousel.lastdirection = dircheck(direction,opt.carousel.lastdirection); setCarouselDefaults(opt); opt.carousel.slide_offset_target = getActiveCarouselOffset(opt); if (speed!==undefined) { animateCarousel(opt,direction,false,0); } else { if (a==undefined) _R.carouselToEvalPosition(opt,direction); else animateCarousel(opt,direction,false); } }, // MOVE FORWARDS/BACKWARDS DEPENDING ON THE OFFSET TO GET CAROUSEL IN EVAL POSITION AGAIN carouselToEvalPosition : function(opt,direction) { var _ = opt.carousel; direction = _.lastdirection = dircheck(direction,_.lastdirection); var bb = _.horizontal_align==="center" ? ((_.wrapwidth/2-_.slide_width/2) - _.slide_globaloffset) / _.slide_width : (0 - _.slide_globaloffset) / _.slide_width, fi = _R.simp(bb,opt.slideamount,false); var cm = fi - Math.floor(fi), calc = 0, mc = -1 * (Math.ceil(fi) - fi), mf = -1 * (Math.floor(fi) - fi); calc = cm>=0.3 && direction==="left" || cm>=0.7 && direction==="right" ? mc : cm<0.3 && direction==="left" || cm<0.7 && direction==="right" ? mf : calc; calc = _.infinity==="off" ? fi<0 ? fi : bb>opt.slideamount-1 ? bb-(opt.slideamount-1) : calc : calc; _.slide_offset_target = calc * _.slide_width; // LONGER "SMASH" +/- 1 to Calc if (Math.abs(_.slide_offset_target) !==0) animateCarousel(opt,direction,true); else { _R.organiseCarousel(opt,direction); } }, // ORGANISE THE CAROUSEL ELEMENTS IN POSITION AND TRANSFORMS organiseCarousel : function(opt,direction,setmaind,unli) { direction = direction === undefined || direction=="down" || direction=="up" || direction===null || jQuery.isEmptyObject(direction) ? "left" : direction; var _ = opt.carousel, slidepositions = new Array(), len = _.slides.length, leftlimit = _.horizontal_align ==="right" ? opt.width : 0; for (var i=0;i<len;i++) { var pos = (i * _.slide_width) + _.slide_offset; if (_.infinity==="on") { pos = pos>_.wrapwidth-_.inneroffset && direction=="right" ? _.slide_offset - ((_.slides.length-i)*_.slide_width) : pos; pos = pos<0-_.inneroffset-_.slide_width && direction=="left" ? pos + _.maxwidth : pos; } slidepositions[i] = pos; } var maxd = 999; // SECOND RUN FOR NEGATIVE ADJUSTMENETS if (_.slides) jQuery.each(_.slides,function(i,slide) { var pos = slidepositions[i]; if (_.infinity==="on") { pos = pos>_.wrapwidth-_.inneroffset && direction==="left" ? slidepositions[0] - ((len-i)*_.slide_width) : pos; pos = pos<0-_.inneroffset-_.slide_width ? direction=="left" ? pos + _.maxwidth : direction==="right" ? slidepositions[len-1] + ((i+1)*_.slide_width) : pos : pos; } var tr= new Object(); tr.left = pos + _.inneroffset; // CHCECK DISTANCES FROM THE CURRENT FAKE FOCUS POSITION var d = _.horizontal_align==="center" ? (Math.abs(_.wrapwidth/2) - (tr.left+_.slide_width/2))/_.slide_width : (_.inneroffset - tr.left)/_.slide_width, offsdir = d<0 ? -1:1, ha = _.horizontal_align==="center" ? 2 : 1; if ((setmaind && Math.abs(d)<maxd) || d===0) { maxd = Math.abs(d); _.focused = i; } tr.width =_.slide_width; tr.x = 0; tr.transformPerspective = 1200; tr.transformOrigin = "50% "+_.vertical_align; // SET VISIBILITY OF ELEMENT if (_.fadeout==="on") if (_.vary_fade==="on") tr.autoAlpha = 1-Math.abs(((1/Math.ceil(_.maxVisibleItems/ha))*d)) else switch(_.horizontal_align) { case "center": tr.autoAlpha = Math.abs(d)<Math.ceil((_.maxVisibleItems/ha)-1) ? 1 : 1-(Math.abs(d)-Math.floor(Math.abs(d))); break; case "left": tr.autoAlpha = d<1 && d>0 ? 1-d : Math.abs(d)>_.maxVisibleItems-1 ? 1- (Math.abs(d)-(_.maxVisibleItems-1)) : 1; break; case "right": tr.autoAlpha = d>-1 && d<0 ? 1-Math.abs(d) : d>_.maxVisibleItems-1 ? 1- (Math.abs(d)-(_.maxVisibleItems-1)) : 1; break; } else tr.autoAlpha = Math.abs(d)<Math.ceil((_.maxVisibleItems/ha)) ? 1 : 0; // SET SCALE DOWNS if (_.minScale!==undefined && _.minScale >0) { if (_.vary_scale==="on") { tr.scale = 1- Math.abs(((_.minScale/100/Math.ceil(_.maxVisibleItems/ha))*d)); var sx = (_.slide_width - (_.slide_width*tr.scale)) *Math.abs(d); } else { tr.scale = d>=1 || d<=-1 ? 1 - _.minScale/100 : (100-( _.minScale*Math.abs(d)))/100; var sx=(_.slide_width - (_.slide_width*(1 - _.minScale/100)))*Math.abs(d); } } // ROTATION FUNCTIONS if (_.maxRotation!==undefined && Math.abs(_.maxRotation)!=0) { if (_.vary_rotation ==="on") { tr.rotationY = Math.abs(_.maxRotation) - Math.abs((1-Math.abs(((1/Math.ceil(_.maxVisibleItems/ha))*d))) * _.maxRotation); tr.autoAlpha = Math.abs(tr.rotationY)>90 ? 0 : tr.autoAlpha; } else { tr.rotationY = d>=1 || d<=-1 ? _.maxRotation : Math.abs(d)*_.maxRotation; } tr.rotationY = d<0 ? tr.rotationY*-1 : tr.rotationY; } // SET SPACES BETWEEN ELEMENTS tr.x = (-1*_.space) * d; tr.left = Math.floor(tr.left); tr.x = Math.floor(tr.x); // ADD EXTRA SPACE ADJUSTEMENT IF COVER MODE IS SELECTED tr.scale !== undefined ? d<0 ? tr.x-sx :tr.x+sx : tr.x; // ZINDEX ADJUSTEMENT tr.zIndex = Math.round(100-Math.abs(d*5)); // TRANSFORM STYLE tr.transformStyle = opt.parallax.type!="3D" && opt.parallax.type!="3d" ? "flat" : "preserve-3d"; // ADJUST TRANSFORMATION OF SLIDE punchgs.TweenLite.set(slide,tr); }); if (unli) { opt.c.find('.next-revslide').removeClass("next-revslide"); jQuery(_.slides[_.focused]).addClass("next-revslide"); opt.c.trigger("revolution.nextslide.waiting"); } var ll = _.wrapwidth/2 - _.slide_offset , rl = _.maxwidth+_.slide_offset-_.wrapwidth/2; } }); /************************************************** - CAROUSEL FUNCTIONS - ***************************************************/ var defineCarouselElements = function(opt) { var _ = opt.carousel; _.infbackup = _.infinity; _.maxVisiblebackup = _.maxVisibleItems; // SET DEFAULT OFFSETS TO 0 _.slide_globaloffset = "none"; _.slide_offset = 0; // SET UL REFERENCE _.wrap = opt.c.find('.tp-carousel-wrapper'); // COLLECT SLIDES _.slides = opt.c.find('.tp-revslider-slidesli'); // SET PERSPECTIVE IF ROTATION IS ADDED if (_.maxRotation!==0) if (opt.parallax.type!="3D" && opt.parallax.type!="3d") punchgs.TweenLite.set(_.wrap,{perspective:1200,transformStyle:"flat"}); else punchgs.TweenLite.set(_.wrap,{perspective:1600,transformStyle:"preserve-3d"}); if (_.border_radius!==undefined && parseInt(_.border_radius,0) >0) { punchgs.TweenLite.set(opt.c.find('.tp-revslider-slidesli'),{borderRadius:_.border_radius}); } } var setCarouselDefaults = function(opt) { if (opt.bw===undefined) _R.setSize(opt); var _=opt.carousel, loff = _R.getHorizontalOffset(opt.c,"left"), roff = _R.getHorizontalOffset(opt.c,"right"); // IF NO DEFAULTS HAS BEEN DEFINED YET if (_.wrap===undefined) defineCarouselElements(opt); // DEFAULT LI WIDTH SHOULD HAVE THE SAME WIDTH OF TH OPT WIDTH _.slide_width = _.stretch!=="on" ? opt.gridwidth[opt.curWinRange]*opt.bw : opt.c.width(); // CALCULATE CAROUSEL WIDTH _.maxwidth = opt.slideamount*_.slide_width; if (_.maxVisiblebackup>_.slides.length+1) _.maxVisibleItems = _.slides.length+2; // SET MAXIMUM CAROUSEL WARPPER WIDTH (SHOULD BE AN ODD NUMBER) _.wrapwidth = (_.maxVisibleItems * _.slide_width) + ((_.maxVisibleItems - 1) * _.space); _.wrapwidth = opt.sliderLayout!="auto" ? _.wrapwidth>opt.c.closest('.tp-simpleresponsive').width() ? opt.c.closest('.tp-simpleresponsive').width() : _.wrapwidth : _.wrapwidth>opt.ul.width() ? opt.ul.width() : _.wrapwidth; // INFINITY MODIFICATIONS _.infinity = _.wrapwidth >=_.maxwidth ? "off" : _.infbackup; // SET POSITION OF WRAP CONTAINER _.wrapoffset = _.horizontal_align==="center" ? (opt.c.width()-roff - loff - _.wrapwidth)/2 : 0; _.wrapoffset = opt.sliderLayout!="auto" && opt.outernav ? 0 : _.wrapoffset < loff ? loff : _.wrapoffset; var ovf = "hidden"; if ((opt.parallax.type=="3D" || opt.parallax.type=="3d")) ovf = "visible"; if (_.horizontal_align==="right") punchgs.TweenLite.set(_.wrap,{left:"auto",right:_.wrapoffset+"px", width:_.wrapwidth, overflow:ovf}); else punchgs.TweenLite.set(_.wrap,{right:"auto",left:_.wrapoffset+"px", width:_.wrapwidth, overflow:ovf}); // INNER OFFSET FOR RTL _.inneroffset = _.horizontal_align==="right" ? _.wrapwidth - _.slide_width : 0; // THE REAL OFFSET OF THE WRAPPER _.realoffset = (Math.abs(_.wrap.position().left)); // + opt.c.width()/2); // THE SCREEN WIDTH/2 _.windhalf = jQuery(window).width()/2; } // DIRECTION CHECK var dircheck = function(d,b) { return d===null || jQuery.isEmptyObject(d) ? b : d === undefined ? "right" : d;; } // ANIMATE THE CAROUSEL WITH OFFSETS var animateCarousel = function(opt,direction,nsae,speed) { var _ = opt.carousel; direction = _.lastdirection = dircheck(direction,_.lastdirection); var animobj = new Object(), _ease = nsae ? punchgs.Power2.easeOut : _.easing; animobj.from = 0; animobj.to = _.slide_offset_target; speed = speed===undefined ? _.speed/1000 : speed; speed = nsae ? 0.4 : speed; if (_.positionanim!==undefined) _.positionanim.pause(); _.positionanim = punchgs.TweenLite.to(animobj,speed,{from:animobj.to, onUpdate:function() { _.slide_offset = _.slide_globaloffset + animobj.from; _.slide_offset = _R.simp(_.slide_offset , _.maxwidth); _R.organiseCarousel(opt,direction,false,false); }, onComplete:function() { _.slide_globaloffset = _.infinity==="off" ? _.slide_globaloffset + _.slide_offset_target : _R.simp(_.slide_globaloffset + _.slide_offset_target, _.maxwidth); _.slide_offset = _R.simp(_.slide_offset , _.maxwidth); _R.organiseCarousel(opt,direction,false,true); var li = jQuery(opt.li[_.focused]); opt.c.find('.next-revslide').removeClass("next-revslide"); if (nsae) _R.callingNewSlide(opt.c,li.data('index')); }, ease:_ease}); } var breduc = function(a,m) { return Math.abs(a)>Math.abs(m) ? a>0 ? a - Math.abs(Math.floor(a/(m))*(m)) : a + Math.abs(Math.floor(a/(m))*(m)) : a; } // CAROUSEL INFINITY MODE, DOWN OR UP ANIMATION var getBestDirection = function(a,b,max) { var dira = b-a,max, dirb = (b-max) - a,max; dira = breduc(dira,max); dirb = breduc(dirb,max); return Math.abs(dira)>Math.abs(dirb) ? dirb : dira; } // GET OFFSETS BEFORE ANIMATION var getActiveCarouselOffset = function(opt) { var ret = 0, _ = opt.carousel; if (_.positionanim!==undefined) _.positionanim.kill(); if (_.slide_globaloffset=="none") _.slide_globaloffset = ret = _.horizontal_align==="center" ? (_.wrapwidth/2-_.slide_width/2) : 0; else { _.slide_globaloffset = _.slide_offset; _.slide_offset = 0; var ci = opt.c.find('.processing-revslide').index(), fi = _.horizontal_align==="center" ? ((_.wrapwidth/2-_.slide_width/2) - _.slide_globaloffset) / _.slide_width : (0 - _.slide_globaloffset) / _.slide_width; fi = _R.simp(fi,opt.slideamount,false); ci = ci>=0 ? ci : opt.c.find('.active-revslide').index(); ci = ci>=0 ? ci : 0; ret = _.infinity==="off" ? fi-ci : -getBestDirection(fi,ci,opt.slideamount); ret = ret * _.slide_width; } return ret; } })(jQuery);
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